Goals for this lab

Please go through this lab before lab_1.

There are mainly two goals for this lab.

  1. Some rules and recommendations to follow when you work on the lab;
  2. Preparing and installing ArcGIS Pro.

Lab Management

Data and folder management are always crucial when you work digitally. There are a lot of good practices you can search online. However, most importantly, you have to have your habit formed early in the semseter. There are some general rules for this course when you submit your homework. Other than that, you have to do your job to keep your course folder, especially your lab folder, organized so that you will be able to communicate with yourself or other people in the future who might access or review the work you have done in the past. Since ArcGIS is commercial software that does not support traceable version control. It is painful to keep track of your files.

Check out this document here for some best practices. Take the time to set up a system you can build upon will benefit you in the future! Also, don’t forget to back up your file. Take advantage of using Cornell Box or other cloud services.

There are two rules when you work on the lab within this course.

  1. From now on, please copy the data from the course folder to your own folder at the beginning of each lab.
  2. Assignments should be submitted as a single document, saved as this [lower_snake_case]: netid_firstname_lab_1, to the Assignments link on Canvas. From now on, all labs should be submitted in the same fashion.

Accessing ArcGIS Pro

All enrolled students will automatically have a ArcGIS Pro account generated by the University. Please wait for your account to be generated and do not contact the IT service yourself.

You can access ArcGIS Pro in four different ways:

  • You can always access to ArcGIS on the lab computers or other library (Mann) computers (Recommend). You can also borrow laptops from library and they usually have ArcGIS pre-installed.

  • Download and install it on your own Windows-based computer (not compatible with Macs) (Recommend). Instructions are below:

    1. Download ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and 2.95 patch
    2. Install both the software and the patch (file name contains 295_181689) (fixing some bugs).
    3. After the installation, launch ArcGIS pro and it will ask you to sign in (on the top left corner). Please choose the option for “Your ArcGIS organization’s URL” and type in “cugis” into the empty field so that in total it reads cugis.maps.arcgis.com.
    4. Click Continue and follow the prompts to login with your CORNELL NETID LOGIN
    5. ArcGIS Pro should continue to launch with a successful netid login.
    6. If fail to login, but you are sure you have activated your CUGIS link, click on Settings, and manually set CUGIS portal as https://cugis.maps.arcgis.com/, and set this as active portal, and login again with CU netID and passwords
  • (Not Recommend) Cornell’s Apps on Demand, i.e., self-register for this AAP Software Access course and follow instructions. More instructions on Apps on Demand can be found here.

  • (Not Recommend) AAP Render/Software server (last resort) (Only use render 5, and please connect to Cornell VPN if you are outside campus network). More instructions from AAP IT (use your netid and password to login): https://share.aap.cornell.edu/webpickup/RD_Server_FA_2019.pdf. Instructions on how to connect to Cornell VPN: https://it.cornell.edu/cuvpn.

With any additional questions about the hardware and software, please refer to this page: Computer Support and Services