Due Date: April 12th
Instructor: Xiaozhong Sun (xs243@cornell.edu)
Lab TAs: Wenzheng Li (wl563) / Ishan Keskar (iuk3) / Aditi Parihar (ap973)
Location: Sibley 305, Barclay Gibbs Jones Computer Lab
Total Points: 100
Land cover has proven to be a good predictor of stream conditions when assessed at a regional scale such as the watershed level. Specifically, the percent of the watershed that is covered in forest or wetland has been shown to be positively related to stream quality, while coverage of agriculture or urban uses is correlated with decreasing stream quality. Consequently, stream health has impacts in terms of providing habitat, ensuring water quality, and flood control among other things.
In this lab, we will
This will require the use of several hydrology tools found in the Spatial Analyst Toolbox, as well as extensive use of map algebra. we will be also utilizing Modelbuilder. Before you begin:
For this exercise, we will analyze the Bear Creek watershed, which empties into Lake Ontario. In order to examine stream health, we will first delineate our watershed level study area.
Note: This lab will require a lot of intermediate analyses and the creation of many “in between” layers. As with the last lab, please create an output folder (separate from your working folder that contains all the output data, don’t save the outputs into the default geodatabase!).
The first step will be to delineate the actual watershed of Bear Creek. We will add two layers, one is part of the Lake Ontario watershed (with UTM Zone 18N projection), and the other is a digital elevation model (referred to as a DEM).
If you remember from the lecture, it takes several steps to prepare the raster layer for delineation:
Now we will use model builder.
The first step in preparing a DEM for delineation is to fill the sinks in our DEM - this removes small imperfections in the data. A sink is a cell with an undefined drainage direction; no cells surrounding it are lower. Fill can also be used to remove peaks. A peak is a cell where no adjacent cells are higher. Fortunately, this has already been done for this particular DEM, so we can skip this step.
After that, we can establish a “flow direction” for each of the pixels.
.The result aggregates pixels into areas with consistent slope
directions. If flowdir (the output layer) is not automatically added to
your contents pane, go to the shape within your Modelbuilder represents
the output, right click on it and check add to display
, the
layer should appear in the content pane. Otherwise, you may have to
manually add it from your Output local folder.
If you zoom in you should see that the pixels have been aggregated into separate fields, each indicating a separate direction (color coded). You may be able to discern where the valleys and stream channels are located.
Remember from the lecture that the legend aggregates pixels by direction (color coded) like Figure 2.
Now we can establish a flow accumulation grid.
variable as the input
layer (remember to select the variable under model variables,
not the layers!!!).Autolayout
which will automatically adjust and
reposition the layout of your model. Verify that you have specified your
model before running it. For starters, it should look like the one in
Figure below.If your flow accumulation layer is not automatically added to your table of contents, follow the previous step to add it. Examine the legend for the flow accumulation grid. Most pixels in the image have small values, while a very few contain very large values.
Note that you may find the layer is not very visible, you need to change the symbology to easily see the flowacc layer. Try a classification method that exaggerates the difference between non-zero and low values. For example, try to use different stretch type and apply the Gamma stretch (normally 4-5 is good enough) if possible to make the high value cells stand out.
Q1. Based on drainage patterns, can you note certain features or patterns within the flow accumulation grid? Why do just a few pixels have such high values?
Q2. Zoom in and compare the flow accumulation grid to the streams_utm layer. Do they overlap exactly? Why not? Hint: think about the data sources and types
Now we need to identify an ending point (or “pour point”). This will signal that we are interested in all pixels which ultimately drain through Bear Creek into Lake Ontario. We will select the point where Bear Creek meets Lake Ontario. You can use the streams_utm attribute table to find Bear Creek. Once you’ve found Bear Creek, zoom in on the point where Bear Creek enters Lake Ontario. Note that there is not an exact overlap between your flow accumulation layer and the Streams_utm layer.
As we are creating our watershed based on the DEM, the pour point has to overlap the flow accumulation layer not the stream layer. When you are finished, your screen should now look something like Figure below.
Now we can place our pour point.
tab —> Create
function, similar as the drop of observation points in previous lab) the
pour points layer and place a point at the juncture. You may have to try
this several times to make sure the point is correctly located.Map zoomed to the location where Bear Creek (selected) empties into Lake Ontario. Place the point for the pour point carefully within the first raster clump fully in Lake Ontario, as in the figure below.
When you are satisfied, save your changes and stop editing. You may want to adjust the size of the symbol so that it is visible. Note that we are not interested in creating any attribute information – we are merely interested in using this shapefile as a starting point for the watershed.
We now have all the input layers we will need to delineate a watershed – a flow direction raster and a pour point.
Note: depending on where you placed the pour point, you may have some false starts. Arc is very picky about proper point placement! Do not be surprised if you have to go back and edit your point location incrementally.
Note that the watershed boundary crosses over a neighboring stream. Why do you think the stream layer does not line up with the watershed you created?
Use the ‘identify’ button and click within the watershed area and then outside of it. Note that the pixels either have a ‘0’ value within the watershed or a ‘no data’ value outside of it. In order that your screen refreshes quicker, you may want to at least turn off some of the layers we aren’t using.
Now that we have created the spatial extent of our watershed, we need land cover data. Add lu_utm. This is a raster format land cover layer covering the range of the Genesee Land Trust (Lake Ontario forms the northern border). Note that values range from 3 to 46 – each of these numbers refers to a particular land cover.
We are only interested in the land cover within the Bear Creek watershed. We will create a mathematical expression to clip out the land cover layer area intersecting our new watershed. This is where the properties of raster data become apparent (and fun!). We know that the watershed layer is divided into either ‘0’ (within) or ‘Nodata’ (outside). Consequently, if we add the land cover layer (which, as mentioned, contains a range of values from 3 to 46) to the watershed layer, all calculations involving ‘Nodata’ will be nulled and the others will remain unchanged (because x+0 = x).
In effect, we have ‘clipped’ the land cover to the spatial extent of the watershed boundaries. Your output should look something like figure below.
Now we have a land cover layer of the Bear Creek watershed. If you open the attribute table, you should see a column of values, ranging from 4 to 46 (each referring to a specific land cover category) and a column entitled ‘count’ (referring to how many pixels each land cover category contains).
In order to analyze land cover in the watershed, we need to create a hierarchy of land cover types as they pertain to stream quality. This will require us to reclassify the existing land cover categories. Currently, the ‘value’ column in the attribute table corresponds to Table 1 below. These are far too many land covers than we need to do our analysis.
In order to make this dataset more manageable, let us reclassify (i.e. simplify) these values so we are using categories which make more sense in terms of their relationship to stream health. We will use two tables to create the reclassification scheme and examine water quality.
Table 2 is the product of research through the Cornell Department of Natural Resources examining the relationship between adjacent land cover and stream health. There is a fairly strong correlation between the amount of impervious surface and the relationship to stream health.
Raster values cannot be text, so instead you will have to recode using the following values from Table 2:
Alright, now that we have examined the two tables, we can begin to build the reclassification algorithm.
Map 1: Include a map of your reclassified land cover (Make sure your legend makes sense).
Q3. Calculate the relative percentage of land cover within the watershed which is very poor (5), poor (4), Fair (3), Good (2), and Excellent (1). Create a well labeled table of your results.
Map 2: Create a map depicting all land rated ‘poor’ (4) or ‘very poor’ (5) in terms of watershed health.
Having established a land cover classification for the entire watershed, we will now use the reclassified land cover map to calculate relative stream health. In order to do this, we need to examine the land cover immediately adjacent to the stream channels. This will require buffering the stream channels and overlaying the reclassified land cover.
However, we are obviously not interested in the entire streams_utm layer, but rather only those streams which drain the Bear Creek watershed. Select out those streams which fall for the most part within the Bear Creek watershed.
This time, manully select the streams use the
Selection tool
by pressing the shift (see the Figure 9
below) and export to a new shapefile.
Q4: Why do some streams appear to cross watershed boundaries?
Now, we will analyze land cover (use the reclassified land cover layer as base) for those areas close to the bear creek and its tributes.
Create a buffer within 50 meters of Bear Creek and its tributaries. (Remember to dissolve ‘All’ when creating buffers)
In the next step, you will use your new buffer layer to clip your reclassified land cover layer.
As with vector data, this Clip tool for raster data does not alter the attribute information of the output, even though it changes the geometry. When using vector data, we used the Calculate Areas tool to recalculate the areas of our clipped data. However, this will not work for raster data.
Q5. Calculate the relative percentage of land cover within the stream buffers which is very poor (5), poor (4), Fair (3), Good (2), and Excellent (1) Create a well-labeled table of your results.
Q6. How do these figures compare with the entire study area? What can we say about the relative health of the Bear Creek riparian corridor relative to the Bear Creek watershed?
We will now expand our analysis to incorporate soil permeability. Soil type can help determine the degree of permeability (the degree to which water will either infiltrate into the soil or runoff) of a location. Soil permeability is important in discussing stream health because soils with high rates of runoff tend to exacerbate stream bank erosion and flooding.
Add soils_utm. Open up the attribute table. The table contains information concerning the hydrologic soil groups (HSG) and associated numerical values (HSGINT).
HSG or Hydrologic Soil Groups, is a classification of the Natural Resource Conservation Service and is based on the soil’s runoff potential. The classification breaks down as follows:
Question #7: Rasterize soils_utm and “clip” to the Bear Creek watershed boundaries. Please calculate the percentage of each soil classification for the watershed.
To rasterize the soil layer, we use the “Polygon to Raster” under “Conversion Tool”—“To Raster.”
We next clip the soil layer to the Bear Creek watershed using “Raster Calculator.”
Map 3: Create a combined map of soil and land cover classification for the Bear Creek watershed, on a best to worst scale (using raster calculator!). Such a classification should range from areas which have soils with high rates of infiltration and good adjacent land cover to areas which have soils with low rates of infiltration and poor land cover. Include your final map 3.
Remember: Land use within the watershed ranges from 1 – 5. Soil type within the watershed ranges from 2 – 4 (based on HSGINT)
Map 4: Create a map indicating those areas which are good, middle, and bad in terms of permeability and land cover based on your own judgement, e.g. >8 is good etc. Basically, you are re-symbolizing your previous score map into 3 categories: good/middle/bad
Watershed Delineation (10 points)
Q1. Based on drainage patterns, can you note certain features or patterns within the flow accumulation grid? Why do just a few pixels have such high values? (5 points)
Q2. Zoom in and compare the flow accumulation grid to the streams_utm layer. Do they overlap exactly? Why not? (5 points)
Land Cover Analysis (55 points)
Map 1: Include a map of your reclassified land cover (Make sure your legend makes sense). (10 points)
Q3. Calculate the relative percentage of land cover within the watershed which is very poor (5), poor (4), Fair (3), Good (2), and Excellent (1). Create a well labeled table of your results. (10 points)
Map 2: Create a map depicting all land rated ‘poor’ (4) or ‘very poor’ (5) in terms of watershed health. (10 points)
Q4. Why do some streams appear to cross watershed boundaries? (5 points)
Q5. Calculate the relative percentage of land cover within the stream buffers which is very poor (5), poor (4), Fair (3), Good (2), and Excellent (1) Create a well labeled table of your results. (10 points)
Q6. How do these figures compare with the entire study area? What can we say about the relative health of the Bear Creek riparian corridor relative to the Bear Creek watershed? (10 points)
Soil Analysis: (35 points)
Q7. Rasterize soils_utm and “clip” to the Bear Creek watershed boundaries. Please calculate the percentage of each soil classification for the watershed. (10 points)
Map 3: Create a combined map of soil and land cover classification for the Bear Creek watershed, on a best to worst scale (using raster calculator!). Such a classification should range from areas which have soils with high rates of infiltration and good adjacent land cover to areas which have soils with low rates of infiltration and poor land cover. (15 points)
Map 4: Create a map indicating those areas which are good, middle, and bad in terms of permeability and land cover based on your own judgement, e.g., >8 is good etc. Basically, you are re-symbolizing your previous score map into 3 categories: good/ middle/ bad (10 points)