Two Data Types
- Vector Data
- Raster/imagary Data
On-screen Digitizing: Creating Vector Data
Two Data Types
On-screen Digitizing: Creating Vector Data
When you georeference your raster data, you define its location using map coordinates and assign the coordinate system of the map frame.
Georeferencing raster data allows it to be viewed, queried, and analyzed with your other geographic data.
Georeference your raster dataset using existing spatial data (target data), such as a vector feature class, that resides in the desired map coordinate system.
The process involves identifying a series of ground control points that link locations on the raster dataset with locations in the target data
If possible, you should spread out the links over the entire raster dataset rather than concentrating them in one area - adding more links will not necessarily yield a better registration.
Generally, the greater the overlap between the raster dataset and target data, the better the alignment results